Books & Catalogues
Mastering Light & Shade In Watercolor – Sold Out
English Version: US$60 per copy (excluding postage)
Chinese Version: US$40 per copy (excluding postage)
To be a successful painter, one must control the darks to also be able to master the lights. This book shows readers exactly how to manipulate the darks and intensify lights with a progression of lessons. Readers will learn to use color, devise areas of color contrast and discover the best methods for using tonal values to capture light in dramatic ways. The “Mastering Light & Shade In Watercolor” by Ong Kim Seng shows the reader (from experienced artists to budding artist and also art enthusiast) precisely that.
Ong is considered a master of this method and in this book he shows one how to do it in a progressive manner. He does so in such a way that there is a simple and yet logical progression of lessons that begins with materials and finishes with the complete planning of a light-filled composition.
Readers will learn to use color to intensify light, devise areas of color contrast and discover the best methods for using tonal values to capture light in a dramatic and evocative manner.
In addition to that, Ong also illustrates the important role that shadows play in creating luminousity. He shows how to mix the color of shadows and gives suggestions on alternate approaches for different styles of paintings.
The book comes with multiple step-by-step demonstrations, examples, ideas, plus over 200 colour illustrations. It is recommended for everyone.