Workshop & Classes
My Workshops & Classes
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Explore Your Creativity with Ong Kim Seng’s Workshops & Classes.

Last Saturday was my third plein air session at Botanic Gardens with Mr Ong in as many years. The scene at the symphony lake was rather bland under the hot sun. As usual Mr Ong has done his homework scouting for the best angles. Through his unique artistic eyes he pointed out shapes and colours hidden from us. His instruction was simple: you have to simplify the scene, squint to see values. Then he finished off exclaiming: this is so nice. So that’s Mr Ong’s art, making extraordinary out of the mundane. He taught careful observations and insisted on painting outdoors to learn from nature in its full glory. Few artists have such wisdom and insight.
Dr Christopher Cheng
A student of Ong Kim Seng

“I always remember him reminding us the analogy of “back cat and white cat”. During critique sessions, Mr. Ong discusses with us how to dramatize our work deploying the technique of light and shade. There’s always oohs and aahs whenever he shows us how best to utilize effectively the element of color to enrich various aspects of our works. He is always very patient, his comments always positive, encouraging and with a sense of humor."
The class is not just a class. It’s more and more feel like an extended family gathering sharing our common interests in expressions through watercolor, with Mr Ong as the Head of the family!”
The class is not just a class. It’s more and more feel like an extended family gathering sharing our common interests in expressions through watercolor, with Mr Ong as the Head of the family!”
Diana KrishnanA student of Ong Kim Seng
选择学习水彩,是我这一生最正确的决择,能够成为世界级,杰出的, 水彩艺术大师王金成老师的学生,更是我最大的荣幸,老师为人隨和,親切,多年与他在一起,感觉与他亦师亦友. 每每出外写生,王老师即地作画,挥毫,毫无保甾地把他的水彩技法公开示范给我们看,往往画出来的作品,縂是令人惊叹与感动不已,就好像一盘美味佳肴,色,香,味,样样俱全,令人垂涎三尺.
艺术是一輩子的执着,没有止境,唯有加油再加油.十六年来,探索不完的趣味,令我乐在其中。我从零开始,一点一滴,一笔一画,从老师那兒学会并领悟水彩的技法与奥秘。 衷心感谢王老师的教导,让我的人生从黑白的世界走向缤纷绚丽的世界,也使我感觉生活真的很美丽。
艺术是一輩子的执着,没有止境,唯有加油再加油.十六年来,探索不完的趣味,令我乐在其中。我从零开始,一点一滴,一笔一画,从老师那兒学会并领悟水彩的技法与奥秘。 衷心感谢王老师的教导,让我的人生从黑白的世界走向缤纷绚丽的世界,也使我感觉生活真的很美丽。
“There is a constant learning curve in watercolour techniques in Mr Ong’s tutorial. You look forward to meet your art friends, you learn from each other’s work and most importantly you get inspired by the work of the master himself – his mentoring, his ideas on light and shade, his unique strokes and his demo. You leave for home yearning to do better. Landscape is the master’s forte and my own additional specialization in portraiture is no doubt influenced by what I have learned from him.”
YusoffA student of Ong Kim Seng
“It’s painting in a community of artists with Mr Ong as an inspiring presence. We watch with our eyes and absorb his amazing talent but there is more beyond the mastery of technique. We talk art, we view art, we travel and discover new ways to create. Artistically I have grown in ways that I would not have, going it alone.”
ShinA student of Ong Kim Seng
“It is a sure privilege and joy to witness and learn from Mr. Ong during his painting class. His ability to capture light in the painting process always gives a punch to the simplest subjects. He mentors his student in observing details in the landscape and then the students capture the essence into their own unique style of paintings. Blind copying of the teacher’s work is not actively encouraged.”
Stanley CheongA student of Ong Kim Seng
“When I first start art in watercolour, I was very worried and fearful . However, Mr. Ong has made watercolour a very beautiful medium to work with and to express what a masterpiece should be . This class also give me an opportunity to meet friends.”
Ang BHA student of Ong Kim Seng